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How to Freeze Bell Peppers

Ever wonder what to do with your extra Bell Peppers? Well, Bell Peppers are one of the easiest things to freeze. They are great to keep on hand for soups, stews and sautés the winter months! Even save you from that extra trip to the grocery store when you forgot the peppers for your recipe! We've all been there. Which is why we decided to write this post!

Here's a technique that most of us at Cal Sun Dry use to freeze our extra peppers!

Step 1: Wash your peppers.

Step 2: Cut as you wish (diced, strips for fajitas or leave whole for baked peppers). Being sure to remove seeds, stems and membranes.

Step 3: Spread peppers in a single layer on a tray and place in freezer until frozen (this takes about an hour and a half).

Step 4: Transfer the frozen peppers to airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags and return to freezer.

The best part... Peppers should last 6-12 months. Whenever a recipe calls for them, just grab what you need and cook them like normal.

Try your frozen Bell Peppers in the following recipes from PopSugar

We’d love to hear what else you freeze? Please continue to share with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and tag @CaliforniaSunDry for a chance to be featured on our page.

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